
Drum e Bohareng ea Cl Flexo Printing Press e ka sebelisoa e le karolo e tsitsitseng ea yuniti e laolang khatello. Ntle le ts'ebetso ea 'mele o ka sehloohong, boemo ba eona bo otlolohileng bo tsitsitse ebile bo tsitsitse. Sehlopha se fetohang sehlopheng sa mebala ea khatiso se haufi kapa se arohane le rolara e bohareng. Finyella taolo ea khatello ea thepa ea khatiso. Moropa o bohareng o tsamaisoa ka kotloloho ke motor torque ea Siemens. Ntho e totobetseng ka ho fetisisa ke hore motlakase oa servo oa setso o nang le lebokose la ho fokotsa o tlosoa. Monyetla oa moralo oa koloi ena e tobileng ke: e amanang le motsotso o monyenyane oa inertia, phetisetso e kholo ea torque, tsamaiso ea ho pholisa metsi e ka Ntlafatsoa ke matla a lekantsoeng, matla a mangata a mangata, karabelo e phahameng ea matla le ho nepahala ho phahameng ho hatisa.


● Litlhaloso tsa Theknoloji

Mohlala CHCI6-600E CHCI6-800E CHCI6-1000E CHCI6-1200E
Max. Boleng ba webo 650 limilimithara 850 limilimithara 1050 limilimithara 1250 limilimithara
Max. Boleng ba khatiso 600 limilimithara 800 limilimithara 1000mm 1200 limilimithara
Max. Lebelo la Mochini 300m/min
Lebelo la ho Hatisa 250m/min
Max. Fokotsa/Khutlisa Dia. φ800mm
Mofuta oa Drive Gear drive
Botenya ba poleiti Photopolymer poleiti 1.7mm kapa 1.14mm (kapa e lokela ho boleloa)
Enke Enke ea motheo ea metsi kapa enke ea solvent
Bolelele ba khatiso (pheta) 350mm-900mm
Mefuta e fapaneng ea li-substrates LDPE; LLDPE; HDPE; BOPP, CPP, PET; Nylon, PAPER, NONWOVEN
Phepelo ea motlakase Motlakase oa 380V. 50 HZ.3PH kapa e tla hlalosoa


● Kenyelletso ea Video

● Karolo ea ho phutholoha

Ci flexo mochini o qetang karolo o amohela sebopeho se ikemetseng sa turret bidirectional rotation dual-axis dual-station structure, e ka fetolang thepa ntle le ho emisa mochini. Ho bonolo ho sebetsa, ho boloka nako le lisebelisoa; ho phaella moo, moralo oa ho laola ka mokhoa o itekanetseng oa PLC o ka fokotsa tšitiso ea batho ka katleho le ho ntlafatsa ho nepahala ha ho itšeha; Moralo oa ho lemoha o ikemetseng oa bophara ba moqolo o qoba mefokolo ea ho kenya letsoho ka letsoho ha o fetola meqolo. Sesebelisoa sa ho lemoha bophara ba roll se sebelisetsoa ho lemoha ka bohona bophara ba moqolo o mocha. Moralo oa sistimi ea ho lemoha tsitsipano o laola ho potoloha ho ea pele le ka morao ha enjene, e ka laolang tsitsipano ea sistimi ka nepo.

●Setsi sa khatiso

Sebopeho se utloahalang sa lirolara se thusa hore thepa ea filimi e tsamaee hantle; moralo oa phetoho ea poleiti ea sleeve o ntlafatsa haholo lebelo la phetoho ea poleiti mme o netefatsa katleho e phahameng haholo ea khatiso; scraper e koetsoeng e fokotsa mouoane oa solvent le ho tsitsisa viscosity, e sa qobeng ho phatloha ha enke feela, empa hape e ka netefatsa viscosity e tsitsitseng ea khatiso; ceramic anilox roller e na le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea phetisetso, enke e lekana ebile e boreleli, 'me e tiile ebile e tšoarella; sebopeho sa mochine oa motho se sebelisana le PLC ho laola ka bohona ho phahamisa ka mor'a ho beha data.

● Khutlela morao

Dual-axis dual-motor drive, phetoho ea thepa e sa emeng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, ho boloka nako le thepa; PLC le sesebelisoa sa photoelectric se laola le ho lemoha boemo bo nepahetseng ba ho itšeha, ho fokotsa liphoso le mathata a bakoang ke ts'ebetso ea matsoho, le ho ntlafatsa katleho ea ho itšeha hantle; moralo oa li-buffer roller ka katleho o qoba tšusumetso e feteletseng nakong ea phetisetso ea theipi mme o fokotsa ho fetoha ha tsitsipano; mokhoa oa ho fetola moqolo o laoloa ke lenaneo la PLC ho netefatsa hore o lumellana le lebelo la moeti; foreimi e ikemetseng ea rotary e na le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso 'me e bonolo ho e sebetsa; the winding The taper tension e amohela li-close-loop feedback automatic control ho netefatsa tsitsipano e tsitsitseng ka hare le ka ntle ho moqolo le ho thibela wrinkles linthong tse kolobisitsoeng tsa filimi.

●Sistimi ea ho omisa bohareng

Mokhoa oa ho omisa o na le sebopeho sa masala a sebetsang hantle le a tlaase, 'me sehlahisoa se na le masala a tlaase a solvent; onto e amohela moralo o mobe oa khatello ho thibela moea o chesang hore o se ke oa tsoa, ​​'me mocheso o laoloa ka bo eona ka nepo e phahameng; mocheso o tlase le molumo o phahameng oa moea li ka etsa kharafu ea moea, e bolokang matla haholo.

Nako ea poso: May-20-2024